
Happy 40th anniversary Tecnopool!

1983 – 2023: 40-years of history characterized by growth

Friday 24th November 2023 was a day of celebrations in the beautiful setting of Venice, Italy, to mark the 40th anniversary of Tecnopool, a company which, today, is a benchmark in the production of equipment for the food industry.

The history of Tecnopool began in 1983 thanks to Mr. Leopoldo Lago who had the intuition to patent the Anaconda conveyor belt first for applications in the poultry sector and later for all types of heat treatment in the food sector. “These have been 40 years of hard work, satisfaction, difficult moments, and changes that we have always faced together. At the beginning, the road was certainly not easy, and everything, such as technology, markets and sectors we were targeting did represent something truly pioneering for me” reiterated the founder during his speech.

However, the company immediately highlighted the extraordinary technical expertise that still distinguishes it today: the ability to use patented technology on a large scale for all types of thermal processes in the various food sectors. A company that has never stopped even in terms of innovation and investments; in 2019, thanks to the new shareholder “Xenon Private Equity”, a fund led by Mr. Franco Prestigiacomo, Tecnopool founded the TP FOOD GROUP by acquiring 5 other companies, three based in the North-East of Italy, one based in Slovenia and one based in Spain and reaching total revenues of 155 million euros in 2022.

“Oficine 800”, an ancient wood and coal warehouse overlooking the Giudecca canal in Venice, was the place chosen for the entire day of celebrations dedicated to employees and collaborators to celebrate these first 40-years of activity together. The event was attended by employees, collaborators and representatives of regional and local institutions such as Councilor Mr. Sandonà and Mayor of San Giorgio in Bosco Mr. Nicola Pettenuzzo. During the day there were convivial moments, musical performances, video testimonials and an award ceremony for employees who reached the very important milestone of over 25 and 30 years of work with Tecnopool. This award ceremony was an exciting moment that honored the generous passion and the dedication shown by these employees during their career. “We’ve always had employees who showed strong attachment to our company and ensured their maximum availability” commented Mr. Lago. “I especially remember their constant and continuous commitment for the company’s good.”

To date, Tecnopool looks at a future full of new challenges and opportunities. “The objective is to increasingly put the customer at the centre, offering customized solutions designed to solve specific needs.” Tecnopool’s CEO – Mr. Fabrizio Korosec – commented during his speech. “In this sense, in the recent years we have undertaken various digital transformation and corporate culture improvement projects to more effectively address upcoming business challenges and seize new market opportunities”.

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